Delton Wade Brown (Duk), age 45, went to be with the Lord on February 14, 2020. He was born to Robert Brown, Sr. and Juanita Youngman on January 27, 1975.
Delton leaves behind his kids, Renee and Duran (Bean) Brown and his parents Juanita and Doug (stepdad) Youngman and his sister Robyn Brown; he loved his grandchildren Phillip Brown, James and Lila Holmes.
Delton attended school in Poplar until he was in the 12th grade when he dropped out but later went off to Kicking Horse Job Corp and received his GED. After he came back from Job Corp he met his wife of 19 years Veronica Castro and had 2 children.
Delton enjoyed spending time with his family and friends, he was always laughing and joking around with everyone. He liked being creative and fixing up things to get as he would say “more use out of it and bring it back to life.” He was always willing to give a helping hand whenever somebody needed.
Delton has a big family and loved everyone even if he didn’t say it as much, he had many nieces and nephews, which include nieces Tia Brown, Tiona Brown; nephews Bobby Brown (Kaeley, Asher, Camden, Icelynn), Dillion Brown (Kristen, Damien, Kelly) and Zachary Brown. Delton had his closest friends he considered his extended sisters, he had many more friends too many to include, these included Inez First, Terri Summers, Lyssa Plante, Lucy White Eyes, Angie Wallowingbull, Laura EagleBoy; aunts Naomi Young, Velma Nepstad; uncles Richard (Eliza) Young. He had his special cousins, he was always with one of them having fun and doing crazy things; Luella (lulu) Montclair, Melissa Montclair, Curtis (Ponyboy) Montclair, his other cousins include Troy Larson, Dorsey Young, Doreen Martell, Starla Longee and Nicole Longee. Extended family members include the Lesters, Threestars, DeCoteau, Youpee, BlackDogs, RedBoys, Littlehead, Cloud, Browns.
Delton is preceded in death by Effie Cloud (Grandma), Robert Brown, Sr. (Father), Larissa Youngman (Niece), Leona Brown (Sister), Robert Brown, Jr. (Brother) and Richard Brown (Nephew).