Ila J. Loves him passed away February 22, 2015 in Wolf Point, Montana. She was born to Madeline Loves Him on October 28, 1957.
She attended Poplar Schools, she enjoyed traveling and spending time with her family and friends. As her traveling days came to an end she lived in Wolf Point and her activities were spending time with her family and friends, playing cards, doing crossword puzzles, listening/dancing to music. She was known as having a great sense of humor and loved making others smile. She will be greatly missed.
She is survived by her two daughters Leann and Sharon, a sister Roberta Escobar, aunts Estelle and Lavern Loves Him, numerous grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews.
She is preceded in death by her mother Madeline, a daughter Mavis, sisters Carla and Amelia and brother Walter Loves Him, grandparents Wilbur and Amelia, uncles Stephen and Orville Loves Him.