Richard Ernest McGeshick, age 59, passed away on Sunday, March 11, 2018 in Wolf Point. He was the 7 th child born to Joyce Ann McGeshick and Fred Albert McGeshick on November 11, 1958 in Wolf Point.
He received his certificate in welding from Haskell Indian Junior College in Lawrence, KS. He was an avid sportsman and a jack of all trades. He still holds the standing in broad jumps in the 8 th grade. He won a lot of lefthand baseball tournaments, taking third at nationals. He also played football and was a golden glove boxer. Rick was a man of many words and could sell ice to an Eskimo. On February 26, 1983 his daughter Dacia was born and then on July 10, 1991 his son Roy Wayne was born whom he named after his mentor Elder Roy Harris.